5 to 3 million per year due to consumption of alcohol in the world are killed by figures have shown. This problem has been found in 15 to 60 years and the men were. Wine is all part of the body and affect the system. Especially circulatory, nervous and digestive system, its effect is more. The liver is the body's largest gland. Also demonstrates the metabolism of alcohol. Excessive amounts of alcohol causes damage esitaladihaida gathered together came to alcoholic liver disease of the liver kosikama. In Nepal, liver disease, alcohol consumption is a major factor. Liver disease, the hospital seems to have reached 60 percent of adults consumed alcohol. One study showed that if a developed country Limbus from the use of alcohol and the disease is decreasing, while growth in developing countries. Alcohol affects women more than men of the serious. Some portion also affect the appearance of a multitude of women, in a short time. Alcohol liver disease, alcohol consumption would seem to be the first liver cell fat deposit. And alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver cancer in the end. 1. When alcohol in the fat of the liver: liver kosikama fat will be deposited in two ways: his wife, and macro-vascular steatohepatitis maikrobhaskulara steatohepatitis. This problem is very low amount of liver inflammation and patients often have no symptoms being increase the size of investment. A little amount of liver enzymes can be grown. However, bilirubin, and albumin prothromvina time scale is normal. Alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis of alcohol into one when it is likely to become. 2. The alcoholic hepatitis wines; The liver cells are a multitude of decay. Jaundice (jaundice), fever, vomit, unnatural as weight decreases, increasing the size of the liver and withdrawal symptoms whatsoever pain and malnutrition appear. And the blood ALT, AST, AST jijiti and dablubisi count is growing two times greater than that amount eelatibhanda. Prothrombin time in patients greater comfortable identical dark and jaundice. However, sometimes no symptoms of alcoholic hepatitis can sickly. Even the rise in blood volume jijitiko liver damage have experienced m ple is nuparne. 3. Alcoholic cirrhosis: a very long time alcohol damage liver cells and liver to be faithful in the small tumors where the letters are born. Well coarse and irregular shape of the liver they contract. 1 hundred 60 grams of alcohol daily drink eight years cirrhosis has been found. Kalejobhitrako block the flow of blood through blood pressure kalejobhitra to grow, which is called portal hyper upset. The patient is upset, increase the size of the hyper spelinako portal. The lower part of the inner tube to burst dhamaniharu come to eat. It is called Oso phyagela bhyarisesa. They broke arising out of the intestine bled dinsa Haematemesis or black. Cirrhosis other marks visible jaundice, stomach filled with water, swelling, skin bruises come, Dianabol dry, lack of sexual desire is to come. A man is to grow breasts. Later, the patient also affect the brain may appear, which is called hepatic insephalopyathi. 4. Liver cancer: long cirrhosis of the liver cancer patients can be. After the patient's condition suddenly started impedes cancer. However, in some cases even cancer symptoms may not be visible. Ultrasound and blood tests to be sure that cirrhosis patients with cancer. Patients with cirrhosis of liver cancer in hepatitis B and C is also said to be more likely. Use of alcohol liver disease, fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis Series over the amount of alcohol cirrhosis, 

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