If the kidneys become damaged, your health becomes threatened. It’s important to understand and recognize the symptoms of kidney damage in order to keep your body healthy and strong. The most common signs of kidney damage include:
1. Changes in Urination
When the kidneys are failing, changes in urination can be an early warning sign.
You may have to get up in the middle of the night to urinate
Your urine may be foamy or bubbly
You may urinate more often or in greater amounts, with pale urine
You may urinate less often or in smaller amounts, with dark-colored urine
Your urine may contain blood
You may feel pressure or have difficulty urinating
2. Swelling
If your kidneys aren’t working properly, they won’t remove the extra fluid in your body, which can lead to swelling in the legs, ankles, feet, face or hands. Unexpected swelling could be an indicator of failing kidneys.
3. Fatigue
When the kidneys are healthy, they produce a hormone called erythropoietin, or EPO. This hormone tells your body to make red blood cells that carry oxygen. Kidneys that are failing make less EPO, so there are fewer red blood cells carrying oxygen. Your muscles and brain become fatigued quickly and easily, leading to anemia.
4. Skin Rash
If they kidneys aren’t effectively removing waste from the bloodstream, the build-up can cause severe itching or a skin rash. Waste accumulates in the blood, causing skin to become dry and irritated. Creams or ointments may help the problem on the surface, but if your rash is linked to kidney damage, putting cream on your rash won’t fix the underlying issue.
5. Metallic Taste in the Mouth
When waste accumulates in the blood, it can cause bad breath and even make your food taste different. If you notice a loss of appetite or a change in your food preferences, it could be a sign of kidney damage. The waste build-up can also cause nausea and vomiting.
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